” I was the parent who thought nobody could help us with our sleep – then we found Amy. ..”

we found Amy Huebner

Amy is AMAZING! We have a 2 year old and a 7 month old and she helped both at once. We were referred to a sleep consultant a while back who told us our case was too complex for a consultant – so referred us to Tweddle sleep school instead. They helped a little, but not enough.

I was the parent who thought nobody could help us with our sleep. Then we then found Amy. Amy deserves so much recognition for not just her knowledge, but her hard work and dedication.

Amy uses an app where you can share your child’s progress (waking, sleep etc.) in real time, and she responds to them and communicates with you back and forth through that. She is as close to 24/7 help you could get I reckon. we have used a sleep consultant in the past but Amy was so much more thorough, and so constant.

She really cares and I can tell she is passionate. Every morning just as we were waking up, we could see that she had logged on and was already replying to our comments. At night time she would also reply.

I was quite blown away by the support she showed us and if we ever need help in the future, there’s absolutely nobody else for us but Amy! She has changed our life and we are so happy.

If you are thinking about going with Amy but aren’t sure you can afford it or think it’s worth it. Trust me when I say if she did it for us I think she can do it for anyone. It’s a big deal getting time back. All that time you waste settling etc. I feel energised and I’m a better mum now.

We only wish we did this ages ago…

Our story for anyone interested: We didn’t think our toddler would ever sleep through the night. At the least we just hoped we could stop driving her for naps every day. She would only nap in the car. She wouldn’t let us leave her room at bed time until she was asleep, and then woke every hour or two to find we weren’t there and came crying to our room. First week that we started with Amy, we counted 12 wakings in one night.

we found Amy Huebner

She is now sleeping through every night and going to bed for all naps. If she wakes up before 7am, she waits in bed for her Gro clock to let her know she can get up. Every person who knows her is just amazed. What is even more impressive is we just tell her to get in bed, kiss her goodnight and walk off.. with no tears! For both naps and bed time.

Our 7 month old is now sleeping through the night and going in her cot for naps. Before Amy, she woke 2-3 times a night and wouldn’t nap in her cot. I was still feeding her over night. We can’t thank you enough Amy.”

Katie & John – Bannockburn, Victoria