My baby won’t sleep, and I don’t know why!

‘My baby won’t sleep! It doesn’t matter what I do, my baby just won’t sleep!’ I hear this often. Including from me with baby #2! I can remember the night, and some of you will know exactly what I’m talking about, when I felt like I could not take it anymore. When our babies don’t

Anxiety and Sleep Training

So, you’re on the fence about this whole ‘Teaching your baby to sleep’ thing? Is anxiety creeping in? On the one hand, you know that sleep is essential for everyone in your family. You’ve read all the literature and have come to agree with the consensus of the pediatric community that sleep is vital to


The Bedtime Juggle

Looking for some tips and tricks when it comes to getting some good sleep at your place? Check out my sleep tips to help create harmony around sleep.

baby sleep

Sleep deprivation is the pits

How does your baby sleep? Well? Or not so great? What is it about you having a lousy night’s sleep that makes everyone else so annoying? It seems that way, doesn’t it? Baby sleep habits strongly affect your sleep habits. You have a night of broken, interrupted, just plain lousy sleep, and the next day

How Does Iron Affect Sleep

What does iron have to do with sleep? Let me just throw a little disclaimer out in front of this post by saying that I’m neither a doctor nor a professional research scientist. I’m a sleep specialist with a fascination for all things sleep-related, and I follow the latest research and studies in the field.

baby kissing mum on cheek

Keeping your cool

If you are reading this, chances are that you’re either in the midst of teaching your little one to sleep well; about to get started on a sleep plan; or thinking about starting one soon. If that’s the case, it’s a good bet you’re very sleep-deprived yourself. When we’re not getting enough sleep, we tend

Twelve fun facts about sleep!

As a Sleep Consultant, I confess: I am unabashedly a sleep nerd. There’s something genuinely fascinating about the world of sleep – it’s like a vast, uncharted universe right inside our minds. Sleep isn’t just a nightly routine; it’s a journey into a mysterious part of our existence. A realm where the body and mind