“We now have the tools for a restful night’s sleep”

restful nights sleep

“We were suffering with a 45min rock-to-sleep every night routine, with constant wakings throughout the night, feeding our son every 3 hours with at least one wake in between each feed for settling.

At 10 months, enough was enough. So we called Amy and organised to have her come over and teach us the proper methods to help everyone get a good night’s sleep. We were apprehensive, as we didn’t want to leave our son alone to cry all by himself. But the techniques Amy showed us involved enough comforting for our son that he learned to settle himself with only our presence in the room. We had two weeks of constant contact with Amy evaluating every day as he became a better and better sleeper, and by night 4 he slept a full 12hrs without needing a feed or to be settled!!!

It has now been 20 nights since that first night of full sleep. Our son has slept 18 of those without needing us to go to him from 7pm to 7am. We could not have done this without the help of Amy, and the guidance she provided along the way.

We now all have the tools to get a restful night’s sleep, including our son who can put himself back to sleep throughout the night and during his day naps.

I cannot recommend Amy highly enough. Everyone is much happier thanks to her help. Our only regret is not getting in touch with her sooner. Thank you so so much Amy!”.

Michael and Natalie – Inverleigh, Victoria

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