“Amy always has the baby’s best interests at the front of her mind”


When you’re pregnant people tell you all kinds of stories about getting a “good sleeper” or a “bad sleeper” but after working with Amy I believe that any baby can be a good sleeper.

We contacted Hushabye Baby after about 8 weeks of 2 hourly wakings and I wish we hadn’t waited that long.

Amy was clear and firm about what we had to do and we saw improvements overnight, not only in our 5 month old baby’s sleep but also in our quality of life and my personal enjoyment of parenting.

It helped to have Amy there every step of the way to field questions and provide gentle but firm directions.

There wasn’t any point where I felt like we were doing the wrong thing by our little one.  Amy always has the baby’s best interests at the front of her mind.

If you’ve been scared off by the sleep training stories or feel like you’ve just got a “bad sleeper” please give Amy a call. You won’t regret it – baby sleep doesn’t have to be torturous!

I now have much more confidence to deal with the sleep challenges that are inevitably part of raising kids.

Charlotte – Collingwood, Victoria

*Name changed for privacy

For more information, check out my sleep packages.

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